文章目录 Stratix V GT Transceiver ChannelsCFP2 Host Connector Assembly and PinoutStratix V GT to CFP2 Interface Layout DesignBoard Stack Up DimensionsExample Design Channel PerformanceSimulation Results for Stratix V GT to CFP2 Connector Layout Design Desi…
#1 ERROR(SPMHNI-176): Device library error detected. ERROR(SPMHNI-189): Problems with the name of device XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX : ‘Name is too long.’. ERROR(SPMHNI-170): Device ‘XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX’ has library errors.…
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南去經三國,東來過五湖 南去经三国,东来过五湖 永东国酬爱郁灵鹰袋
0Oo1lI ga The quick brown fox j…